Preparation Tips for Class 10 Maths Exam

Mathematics is a scoring subject and can affect the overall percentage of your class 10. Scoring marks in mathematics is easy if you put some extra effort into it. The subject is based on calculation and problem solving, so understanding of the concepts plays a significant role. Suppose you think that just mugging up the formulas and studying a few months before the exam will help you fetch good scores then this is just an illusion. Maths is a subject that is all about practice. In this article, we have summed up some of the important Maths exam tips which will help students in their preparation of the Maths subject from beginning to the last day of examination.

Maths Exam Tips for Class 10

We have divided the Maths preparation tips into three broad categories which are as follow:

  1. The initial days of preparation
  2. Preparation during mid of the academic session
  3. Last-minute preparation before a few months of board exams

The Initial Days of Preparation for CBSE Class 10 Maths

This time is very precious as you have just got into class 10. You don’t have any exam pressure. Use this time in grasping the concepts and making a good hold on the basics of mathematics.

1) Get acquainted with the exam pattern: You must know the class 10 maths exam pattern at the beginning of the academic session. It will make you familiar with the question paper pattern such as the number of very short answer questions, short answer questions, long answer questions. Also, you get to know the section-wise marks distribution.

2) Know the Maths syllabus: Know the CBSE class 10 Maths syllabus before you start your exam preparation. It will help you make a better study plan for yourself. Also, you get to know the number of topics and chapters that needs to be completed in the entire session. You must try to complete the syllabus at the end of December month so that you can have enough time for revision and practice.

3) Remember Formulas: Make a separate notebook for the formulas. Remember the important formulas from all chapters. Make sure that formulas are at your fingertips. This will save your time during the exam while solving the questions.

4) Make Study Schedule: Always make schedules before you start studying. Making schedules will keep you on the right path and help you study at a constant pace. Allocate at least 1 hour for practising mathematics daily. If you are weak in Maths subject, then you can devote more time to it.

CBSE Class 10 Mathematics Preparation During Middle of the Session

1) Solve all the Exercise Problems of NCERT Book: Whatever is taught in the class, try solving questions related to that topic from the NCERT Class 10 Maths Book. For more practice, you can also refer to the other books such as RD Sharma but firstly solve the exercise questions of the NCERT textbook.

2) Study in a Group: Studying in groups is always an advantage. But you should be good enough to choose your friends that will help in your studies instead of wasting your time in other activities. Choose the right friend circle and discuss the problems among yourselves. Find out the easiest way of solving the problem. In case you couldn’t be able to find the solution then ask your teacher.

3) Explain to others: Whenever you are doing a group study ask your friends to study different chapters so that when all of you done with studying, then each one of you can teach something new to each other. Doing this activity will help you to learn the entire topic in a detailed way. Also, the topics will last in your memory for a longer time as you have taught it to your friend.

To Know How to Maximise Score in Class 10 Maths Exam, Watch The Below Video:

Last-minute preparation before Class 10 Maths Board Exam

By this time you must have completed your maths syllabus and hardly be left with 1 or 2 months for the exam. This is the high time when you purely focus on the practice. Here are a few methods that will help in giving the last touch to your maths preparation.

1) Solve Previous Year Questions and Sample Papers: Solving previous year questions and sample papers will help to get acquainted with the types of questions asked in the examination. After solving CBSE class 10 previous year questions you must go through the solution pdf to know the stepwise answer writing skills. In the board exam marks are allocated as per the steps. So even if the final answer is wrong due to the calculation mistakes, then also you will get some marks. Moreover, in Maths paper, it’s very crucial to manage the time. Thus while solving the question papers keep an eye on the clock and try to finish it in the allocated time duration. It helps you to keep track of your problem-solving speed. After solving the question paper, analyze it yourself, and check where you need improvement.

2) Take Breaks While Studying: When students sit in one place trying to remain focused on instructions for a long duration of time, it makes learning difficult, at this moment you should try to take short breaks. Go for a walk, exercise for a while during your study breaks. Doing 10-20 minutes of exercise in between your studies will help you to stay fit and to be mentally prepared for future studies.

3) Do Revision: It’s a time when you should go through the entire syllabus again. While revising give special attention to those topics which carry more weightage. Also, solve the important questions before the exam.

4) Take Proper Rest: Try not to be stressed as the exam approaches. Get a good night’s sleep the night before the exam. Do not study any new topic before the exam. Be relaxed and peaceful.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths, NCERT Exemplar for Class 10 Maths.

All these Maths exam tips will help students to write the solutions accurately and quickly which leads to score good marks in the final exam. Stay tuned with BYJU’S – The Learning App and download the app to get all the class-wise concepts and other important Maths-related topics to learn easily by watching the interesting videos.


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  3. Thanks a lot for these tips :).

  4. Very important and helpful tips. Thank you byjus

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